Are you looking for guidance to use an auto clicker?

Well, we have got your back. 

Auto-Clicker is a piece of software that automates mouse clicks on your computer screen. It can save you a lot of time. Once you set it up, you can do other work while the auto clicker will click non-stop on your target and pick points.

Before moving to the how-to-use guide, let's have a look at some setup points that you'll find in most of the auto clickers. 

Understanding Auto Clicker Setup

Setting up an auto clicker is a necessary step before starting it. There are several clicking, repeat, and pick point options that you need to set. Have a look at it.

1. Time Delay: It is the interval between two mouse clicks. You can set it in seconds and milliseconds.

2. Mouse Repetition: You can either set the number of clicks manually or set 0 (repeat until stopped) for unlimited clicks.

3. Mouse Action: You can choose the Left/Right/Middle mouse button for simulation.

4. Click Type: Single or Double Click

5. Pick Points: This option allows you to set a specific target on the computer screen. When you choose it, you don't have to put the cursor on the target. Some auto clickers offer multiple pick points.

6. Recorded Scripts: Several PC and mobile auto clickers offer scripting options. You can choose this option to record your mouse activity to make a script. When you apply the script, the auto clicker will repeat the actions you've recorded.

7. Hotkey: It is the shortcut button that you can set to start/stop the auto clicker.

How to use an Auto Clicker?

On Windows 

Windows have tons of auto clickers in the market. GS Auto Clicker is one of the simplest and trusted auto clickers. One can easily adapt the user interface. Look how you can do it.

Step 1. Download the GS Auto Clicker from their official website or click her​​e​​​ to directly reach the downloading page. Since GS Auto Clicker is an exe portable file, directly open it from the Downloads after downloading.

Step 2. When you open it, a system tray window will appear on the screen. Click on the Options from there.

Step 3. Go to Clicking settings first and choose mouse action and click the type of the mouse button. Check the Freeze Pointer option so you can use the mouse even after starting the auto clicker.

Step 4. Open Repeat settings. You can set the number of clicks manually or choose the option Repeat Until Stopped for unlimited mouse clicks. Set the time interval in seconds and milliseconds. 

Step 5. Open Recording settings. Here you choose multiple pick points in XY coordination if you want to auto click on multiple targets simultaneously. 

Step 6. Go back to the main system tray and set a hotkey button. Press the hotkey to start/stop the auto clicker.

If you want to use default settings, you can directly press the hotkey and the auto clicker will start clicking automatically on your current cursor location.

On Mac

For Mac PCs, there aren't plenty of options for auto clickers. But you'll be astonished to know that alone MurGaa offers several auto clickers and other automation tools for Mac PC. Mac Random Mouse Clicker is one of the easiest to operate. Let's see how.

Step 1. Download and install the Random Mouse Clicker from the official website of MurGaa. Or click here to reach their website directly.

Step 2. After installing the Random Mouse Clicker, a window will show on the screen with several clicking options. First, you have to choose the mouse action.

Step 3. Now, fill the number of clicks manually or put 0 for unlimited clicks.

Step 4. In the next section, set the time delay between two clicks. (Option is in milliseconds only)

Step 5. Set a shortcut key to start and stop the auto clicker.

Step 6. Open any click-based game or website. Drag the cursor on the target. Press the shortcut key and the auto clicker will start click simulation on the target. 

On Smartphones (Android)

You can find thousands of auto clickers from Google Play Store, but Auto Clicker - Automatic is one of the most reliable. It performs well with almost every app and website. Let's see how you can use it.

Step 1. Install the Auto Clicker from the Google Play Store. Or click here to reach the installing page directly. After installing, you have to give the app accessibility from your mobile settings. 

Step 2. When you open the app, you'll see two modes: Single Target Mode and Multiple Targets Mode. Enable STM if you want to tap one particular target or enable MTM for multiple targets on your mobile screen. 

Step 3. You can set the time interval and stopping time directly from the settings from their respective sections. 

Step 4. If you're using STM, click enable and a floating panel will appear on the screen along with a pointed circle. Go back and open a game or website where you want to click. Drag the pointed circle on the target and press the Click button from the panel. It will start clicking until you stop it. 

Step 5. If you're using MTM, a floating panel will appear with Plus and Minus options. Plus sign will allow you to set multiple targets with a sequence. With the Minus sign, you can remove targets. Other than that, the process is the same as STM. 


The above-mentioned method can be different for other auto clickers but the setup manual is the same. If you already know about the setup, you will not be stuck on any auto clicker.